The Stein Family – From the Legend to Reality/ Rodzina Stein – od legendy do realności
Авторы: Murat Valiyev
Год и место издания: "Res Historica" 2020, №50, Lublin. P.199 - 231
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The article is devoted to the family history of the Stein family. Unique genealogical information about seven generations of the family is given.
Описание книги
The article is devoted to the family history of the Stein family. Unique genealogical information about seven generations of the family is given. According to the family legend, the Stein family moved to the Catholic Poland in the second half of the 16th century after the victory of the reformation movement in Germany. The representatives of the Stein family served to the Polish, Russian, and Austrian Crown. This paper traces the history of the Russian branch of the family, which includes officers and government officials, writers, and journalists. One of the main characters of the publication is the famous philologist and Slavist Sergey Vladimirovich Stein (1882–1955). For the first time, it was possible to precisely reconstruct the events of the last 15 years of S. V. Stein's life. The article is accompanied by a large number of illustrations, most of which are published for the first time.
Key words: genealogy, genealogical numbering system, Stein, Russia, Saint Petersburg,
Derpt, Dubrovnik, Munich